Featuring Vortexa Net Flows - PADD 3 Crude Flows Infographic - Vortexa
Featuring Vortexa Net Flows – PADD 3 Crude Flows Infographic

Featuring Vortexa Net Flows – PADD 3 Crude Flows Infographic

Introducing Vortexa net flows analytics with an Infographic on European diesel net flows

17 November, 2020
Vortexa Analysts
Vortexa Analysts

Artboard 1@2x-1

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Key Benefits of the Vortexa Net Flows screen

  • Analyse real-time changes on net seaborne flows
  • Identify at a glance whether regions are over or under supplied, and reposition your trading strategy accordingly
  • Discover longer term trends in seaborne flows and identify alternative markets 

Recent Net Flows Analysis

Explore our net flows analytics today



Vortexa Analysts
Vortexa Analysts