Powerful Energy Flows Analytics

Build the most accurate & granular analysis of crude products and gas flows in real-time.
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Validate the global picture of energy market fundamentals

Vortexa opens the market with the most complete real-time view of energy flows on the planet.

Combining advanced AI with human expert intelligence allows us to process more data than ever before, resulting in 99% coverage of all waterborne oil and gas flows.

We deliver the greatest market accuracy and ability to track vessels down to 5,000dwt and estimate cargo on board down to a grade level.

All this opens the $2 trillion market, one data point at a time.

Key features
Energy flows
Cargo movements
Aggregated energy flows analytics

Analyse historical, live and future energy flows, aggregated by product, origin, destination, charterer and more.

Individual cargo movements

Analyse individual cargo activity step-by-step: Follow co-loads, partial discharges, diversions, draft changes and STS activity.

Key features
Data quality
Predictive data
Hard data and model accuracy

We use a number of different sources to provide extensive hard data coverage. This along with our extremely accurate models allows us to complete the picture.

Forecasting power

Gain a first-mover advantage with cargo movement forecast. By combining our historic and predicted future movements you can view a window into the future to help find an edge in an extremely competitive market.

Quality predictive intelligence

Remove guesswork by using our predictive analytics to shine a light on the darker corners of the market. Access to live & forward fixtures data, including vessels on subs.

Seamless data integration into your existing systems
Web application
Access best-in-class UX in our cloud-based platform.
Data API
Easily integrate Vortexa's data into your systems at speed and scale.
Python SDK
Efficiently explore global data insights & build custom models & reports.
Excel Add-in
Effortlessly extract data from the analytics platform straight into Excel.

How Vortexa works for you

Physical trading
Financial trading
Key ways our clients extract value from Vortexa data
Keep on top of indicators that move the market
Understand market supply & demand dynamics to identify arb opportunities.
  • Real-time Energy flows
  • Inventories
  • Freight
Trade with validated market insights
Anticipate future price changes between regions, countries and ports.
  • API
  • Python SDK
  • Excel Add-In
  • UI
Deliver cargo at reasonable costs
Understand any operational costs and constraints ahead of a physical trade.
  • Real-time cargo tracking
  • Individual vessel data
  • Congestion intelligence
Key ways our clients extract value from Vortexa data
Streamline in-house data analysis processes
Improve data accuracy and credibility with real-time data and save time and resources.
  • 100+ commercial sources
  • Satellite data
  • AIS data
  • Intuitive UI
  • API
  • Python SDK
Be the first to capture market opportunities
Identify a solid chartering strategy by securing the best deal on the market.
  • Supply & demand
  • Freight pricing
Benchmark your metrics against peer intelligence
Understand how you compare against competitors and discover operational and commercial areas for optimisation
  • Vessel availability
  • Fleet distribution
  • Fleet utilisation
  • Average vessel speed
Understand physical drivers behind paper market movements
Get complete access to the physical market
Own the most comprehensive resource for understanding physical market supply & demand dynamics and trends driving financial market sentiment.
  • Real-time energy flows
  • inventories
  • Freight
Our methodology

World-class analytics, deep-domain knowledge, advanced AI and global data sources.

Product coverage

Take the guesswork out of routes, rates and more with the complete suite of powerful data analytics.

Left wanting more?
You're in good hands

200 billion +

AIS pings

100 +

Industry sources

200 billion +

data points processed since 2016

Ready to get started?

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See why the most successful traders and shipping experts use Vortexa