Q & A with Troy Gungor, Product Specialist

Q & A with Troy Gungor, Product Specialist

We sat down with Troy, Product Specialist, to find out what his day-to-day life looks like, what significant milestones he has had at Vortexa, and what he really thinks of our company culture…

14 June, 2024
Jessica Irvin
Jessica Irvin, VP People & Operations

New Yorker born and raised, with a background in Brokering at Tradition and Analysis/Trading at SMBC. Troy went to the University of Colorado Boulder where he studied economics along with a large passion for the outdoors and snowboarding. 

Fun fact: Troy is an eagle scout

We wanted to find out what inspired Troy to join Vortexa, what some of his biggest milestones have been to date and what day-to-day life really looks like for a Product Specialist…

What inspired you to join Vortexa? 

I was inspired to join Vortexa because of my passion for the energy markets along with skills and knowledge that I learned from the industry. I believe that technology is the future and being at the forefront of bringing a great product to the market truly excited me. 

What would you say is the most interesting aspect of your role? 

Working with all the different kinds of clients and prospects. From traders, to brokers, to tech companies and more there is always something new to learn on how people are using data. 

What have been some significant milestone moments for you at Vortexa? 

Being able to give a presentation in front of the entire company on how we can use our data for the players in the financial markets. It provided people with great information as well as yielded great discussions amongst the different teams to build better products. 

What does day-to-day life look like for you as a Product Specialist?  

Log in and check emails and messages to get a better understanding of what happened throughout the night. Check the news, meet with our different clients and prospects, and work on ad hoc tasks. All of this would not be possible without a cup of coffee!

There is a great culture of everyone being able to collaborate with each other no matter the team and level.
What key qualities make a Product Specialist successful? 

Being organized, adaptive and engaging. You need to be able to organize your time while being able to change gears right away depending on the situation at hand. It always helps to come up with new and innovative ideas to share with different prospects and clients as well!

How would you describe the culture at Vortexa? 

Horizontal, there is a great culture of everyone being able to collaborate with each other no matter the team and level. If there is a question or project you would like to be involved in there will always be someone ready to help! The openness and ability to grow and learn has no limits!

What advice would you give to people hoping to join Vortexa? 

Be open to change, keep organized, don’t be afraid to ask questions. 

Describe your working life at Vortexa in three words! 

Dynamic, Fun, Challenging

Jessica Irvin
VP People & Operations
Jessica Irvin
Jessica is the VP People & Operations at Vortexa and is responsible for hiring, learning & development, culture, engagement, performance management and leading expansion plans.