Optimise trading for greater wins

Identify best sellers and buyers for spot and term contracts.
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Why physical traders choose Vortexa?
Understand market fundamentals
Quantify changing supply-demand conditions across energy products.
Validate trading ideas
Assess physical positions of interest, spot new trends and arbitrage opportunities.
Accelerate time-to-market
Identify buyer and seller roles in the market and maximise your trading results by forging deals directly.

How Vortexa works for you

How Vortexa works for you
Key ways our clients extract value from Vortexa data
Understand physical drivers affecting price trends
A comprehensive view of supply & demand allows you to quickly understand what are the physical imbalances driving price change.
  • Flows
  • Diversions
  • Floating storage
  • Inventories
  • Crude imports at terminal level
  • Oil in transit
  • Loadings
  • Grade level predictions
Clue in on early signals of arbitrage
Behavioural shifts of other market players could be the earliest indicator of opening arbitrage opportunities.
  • Diversions
  • Loadings
  • Fixtures
  • Freight rates
Manage P&L risk throughout your cargo journey
Real-time view of your cargo journey helps you to detect any issues that may affect your chartering commitments early on.
  • Vessel positions
  • Port congestion
  • Ship-to-ship transfers
Our products
Energy Flows Analytics
Vortexa’s energy flows data and analytics suite provides complete global waterborne oil & gas flows across time, for any location, fleet, charterer and more.
Freight Analytics
Vortexa’s market-leading Freight Analytics suite provides key demand and supply indicators: availability, utilisation, distribution and congestion, as well as freight pricing and a pricing outlook.
Inventories Analytics
Vortexa's Onshore Crude and Offshore Floating Storage Inventories analytics supply the most complete, fast, and accurate data on global crude and oil product levels.